

5. Semester
UX/UI, Interaction Design

Improve your General Knowledge!

Pedge is an app prototype and part of my work at my university. It is designed for smartphones and smartwatches.

The idea is to provide the user with knowledge and facts everyday. The user can select his or her favourite topics and is then presented with suitable articles. Thanks to an integrated AI, the app is also able to understand and evaluate the user‘s behaviour, so that the articles are even more personalized. 

Every topic has it‘s own color and illustrations. I asked hundet people in a survey and chose the colors according to the results.
The color‘s main function is the quick recognition of the different topics, with just a quick glance.

The Onboarding gives a small first insight into the app.The color-scheme and illustrations are introduced to the user.
It‘s main functions are login and topic selection.

Another feature is the integrated quiz, where you can easily check your newly learned knowledge. 
It is created to add a fun element, where the user is able to check the progress and stay motivated.

There is also an addition in form of an smartwatch app. This way everybody is able to collect new informations on the run!